Tuesday 24 March 2015

Going with the TITLE

Life has all the taste which everyone enjoy's or may not with experience. This post is all about showing a soft corner which many people do not tend to place. I am sure many of you have heard about or observed that nothing remains the same, So did I learnt from life.

What is the most important thing for me in life is that with God grace I will never hurt someone as its tough to afford that feel when you hurt someone. For overcoming this fact there is way to enter someone's heart is by food. So one could try to impress people, guests, family, or relatives by serving good food.

Now its time to reveal that according to my planning for my blog post's I planned to have 10 post's for this topic and after this last one I will be moving towards a new topic.

For wrapping up everything I will be telling you and request everyone to read about good things example activities like cooking which will definitely help you to create positive sphere around you every time.

Tip- Mix better things together to make it best.

Stay Tuned for an Entire New topic

Let's Have a True story

Telling about a True story of my life is revealing what I was and what I want to be, In this blog post I want to share one personal experience which I believe everyone would have faced in their life. It is well said that Life is too short to learn from your own mistakes, it is always better to learn from others.

I believe for a Human it is very tough to control his/her desires, well one who know herself/himself properly will successfully control. It's very hard to control if you get addicted to bad habits. I do have many examples in my friend circle who started on and now it's next to impossible to get rid of their addictions even if they are willing to do so.

My message in this post that I want everyone to know about it that we should learn and increase knowledge about how bad these addictions lead to and to spread awareness about how one could work on possible ways to control because all these things do have bad or even we can call worst impact on your physic, mental and future establishments.

There are many campaigns one can follow for spreading these kind of awareness.

On this page I will be posting some links to the webpage which direct your attention toward this Topic.






Now days there are too many information available online to help people out to stay away, One should always report serious issues happening in the society by which you can save someone's life.

All you can start is by browsing and participating with certain campaigns.

Monday 23 March 2015

The Simplicity Continues....

This blog post is made for the extension of the previous one, On which I was talking about those people who are living fast life and are unable to make food by their own. In this blog post I will be posting some video links which are useful for one to make food and some items which you can make easily.


Above are some Simple food Recipes..!! Which will help to make food quickly

Following a bit Irish Tradition, you can  have Potato mash with you which goes with any curry you have and it's simple to make Potato mash all you need is to boil 11lb of Potato and Mix it with 1lb of Butter, Add 250ml of butter milk and you get everything ready.

Stay Tuned to learn Some Unique Ideas for Healthy Living

It's soooo Simple

Here is the post which is related to each and every single student or a person who is living by himself/herself. This post would be so helpful for those who are far from their families and have to cook by their own.

Why I am writing all the time about food because Living all the way far from family I got to learn one thing I mean value of food. Now when I have to cook and arrange thing by my own I feel it is bit hard to make these arrangement in starting.

This blog post is all about making things better and easy.

  1. Always be prepared- Its hard to do things alone, but making things good is all on your own hand. One should always be prepared with all the groceries available at home.
  2. Buy refrigirated food products, which you can eat anytime you feel like. As you all know that these items and ready to cook in few minutes which saves your time too.3.
  3. Get involved in physical activities like yoga or gym, which will definitely help you to be active and the more active you will be the more you will take care of your own body.
  4. Prepare food for days, yes for sure it sound's bit unhealthy but one should always make and prepare food to eat for day's which will definately make your life easy.

Don't ever try to test your patience and play with your time when you know that day to day cooking is not for you. In such case always have someone around you to make food, buy lunch box from outside or buy food from outside as its not possible to complete your hunger by eating Snickers (chocolate).

Stay tuned to know some more exciting stuff.

Spotted at your School

As we all know that it is not possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle for every second of your life. So making things simple and better it is always good and helpful to have whatever is available around you. For example if you are at school/college and you don't have a lunch box with you then you should have a round at your school and eat whatever you feel like eating.

It doesn't matter weather it is a pizza or a burger always have something instead of struggling with Hunger !!

This post is about places where you can go at Sheridan college to feed yourself.

There are many good places opened at the premises of Sheridan college

So here comes few outlets where you can go and feed yourself for the time when you got nothing to eat from your home as it's always better to have something which is better than nothing.

Friday 20 March 2015

Get more about healty lifestyle

Purpose of this blog post is to reveal some points that we know but we do not consider related to healthy lifestyle. As we all know that there are too many ways by which we can polish our thoughts for having a healthy lifestyle.

For such case one can attain useful information about health, living, fitness, cooking and much more by subscribing to these types of magazines and also by reading on internet or from newspaper articles.

This would be a next step in order for attaining good health and lifestyle, these magazine or content available at your home will definitely help you out  in moving a step ahead. There is  research on how much impact it has on a individual if there is an physical thing available which results in 76% of people are more likely to attain a physical copy or a product.

Subscribe On! Start on!

Sunday 15 March 2015

The key to healthy eating ? Keep tracking your healthier habbits.

In today's world where we all move along with new technology, which helps us in varieties of different manner. This post is all about how to use these aspects with you day to day life to achieve your healthier goals.

Firstly, we all should have a mind set for what we are working for. Having other people around you to tell you what to do and how to do does not work sometimes or honestly it does not work at all.

You are the one who is in charge of creating and accomplishing your own goals.

Now it comes to the point where I will be addressing you few applications, which you can download easily for your apple or android phone.

Water your body app which is available on Android apps on Google play and also on App store on iTunes.

How it works ?

You only need to enter your current weight and Drinking Water will help you to determine how many water your body need everyday. 

Here is the link where you can get to  know more about why you should have this application.



Above is the link for many more free and some paid applications which you can run on your phone to regulate a proper track on getting healthy and making yourself fit.

I believe using technology for improving your own self is one of the biggest advantages of gadgets, honestly using these applications works and you can rely on these applications.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Here comes some pictures of Delicious food.

As I shared in my first post that what I have learned from my part Time job is making some dishes. Here comes some pictures and a simple recipe about what I make and how I make.

To begin with you should have a Pie shells and baking oven.

Depends what you want to have you can fill in, have your filling ready before starting the process of making Delicious pies. Above is the picture of raw base of pie with lamb filling.

If you are struggling and want to know what  you can add into your pie shell just log on to www.realsimple.com/food-recipes or www.countryliving.com/pie-recipes.

Making a Pie dough looks complicated but it is an easy step too. You have to mix the same amount of flour with shredded butter and pour little water to it, mix manually or with a mixer and your dough is ready. Make it and at last bake it for 20-25 minutes.

Here comes the final product.

I believe that making and baking need a little effort and time and I also believe that if you make these types of dishes to serve your family, friend or guests at home you can definitely do some savings.